Tuesday, 19 August 2014

Software company confusions over choosing Android or iOS

If you do not have enough budgets to deal with both iOS and Android simultaneously, you need to make your mind of what system to start first.

Here are some aspects to focus when deciding which platform to begin for an initial release:

•    What are your current users using? Focus at your visitor interest and explore that whether majority of your mobile visitors are coming from Android or iOS. If you see a bigger mobile majority from iOS users, it's a better idea to begin with them first. On the otherside, if most of your user favors Android, starting there might make much sense.

•    What are your tablet plans? Although Android is the leading mobile operating system, but the Tablets lack behind a little bit when looked from the sight of a Software Outsourcing firm. Google might shows off that Android tablets gain almost half the global market; however when you see at how those tablets are used, its shows clearly that iPad is the winner. Amazon's Kindle Fire is an exception, which runs a forked version of Android. So if you are planning on making a tablet experience, aim on iOS first.

•    What are your developers familiar with? Android's developer tools — while improving — are not at Xcode levels till now however, developing for iOS will desperately needs a Mac (you can work around this but at some stage you'll need a Mac)

•    Do you want to charge for your app? The saying that Android users’ doesn’t pay for apps isn't relatively as factual as it was, but it's absolutely a fact that iOS users are more keen and more likely to pay for an app than Android users. That shouldn't stop you from using Android — yet, there are numbers of ways to monetize that system — but for an starter launch, it needs to be considered. Also look where you can accept payments from both platforms. Google is constantly promoting the number of countries that hold paid Google Play apps but this is an area where Apple still has a extensive lead.